Kamis, 21 Juni 2012


           Cybercrime adalah kegiatan kriminal dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer dan internet. Ini mencakup apa pun dari men-download file musik ilegal untuk mencuri jutaan dolar dari rekening bank online. Cybercrime juga termasuk non-moneter pelanggaran, seperti menciptakan dan mendistribusikan virus di komputer lain atau posting informasi rahasia bisnis di Internet.
Mungkin bentuk yang paling menonjol dari cybercrime adalah pencurian identitas, di mana penjahat menggunakan internet untuk mencuri informasi pribadi dari pengguna lain. Dua cara yang paling umum ini dilakukan adalah melalui phishing dan pharming. Kedua metode ini memancing pengguna ke situs web palsu (yang tampaknya sah), di mana mereka diminta untuk memasukkan informasi pribadi. Ini termasuk informasi login, seperti username dan password, nomor telepon, alamat, nomor kartu kredit, nomor rekening bank, dan informasi lainnya dapat menggunakan penjahat untuk "mencuri" identitas orang lain. Untuk alasan ini, sangat cerdas untuk selalu memeriksa alamat URL atau Web dari situs untuk memastikan itu sah sebelum memasukkan informasi pribadi Anda.
Karena cybercrime mencakup suatu lingkup yang luas dari kegiatan kriminal, contoh-contoh di atas hanya beberapa dari ribuan kejahatan yang dianggap kejahatan dunia maya. Sementara komputer dan Internet telah membuat hidup kita lebih mudah dalam banyak hal, sangat disayangkan bahwa orang-orang juga menggunakan teknologi ini untuk mengambil keuntungan dari orang lain. Oleh karena itu, pintar untuk melindungi diri sendiri dengan menggunakan antivirus dan spyware software blocking dan berhati-hati di mana Anda memasukkan informasi pribadi Anda.
Komputer sebagai target - menyerang komputer orang lain (menyebarkan virus, Komputer sebagai senjata - menggunakan komputer untuk melakukan "kejahatan tradisional" yang kita lihat di dunia fisik (seperti penipuan atau perjudian ilegal). Komputer sebagai aksesori - menggunakan komputer sebagai "lemari arsip mewah" untuk menyimpan informasi ilegal atau curian.



Banyak sekali kasus-kasus dari cyber crime yang terjadi yang sangat merugikan dunia bisnis, dari penipuan, pencurian, peniruan, perusakan data yang terjadi di dunia maya. Hal ini terus terjadi karena untuk saat ini khususnya di Indonesia belum ada hukum yang cukup jelas yang mengatur tentang cyber crime sendiri. Jaringan informasi global atau internet saat ini telah menjadi salah satu sarana untuk melakukan kejahatan.

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Cara Meringankan Sakit Kepala

TRIBUNNEWS.COM Most upset when the headache began to attack, but the workload is high. This will certainly make it difficult to concentrate. As a result, the work was so neglected.

Actually there are several causes of headaches. Among these foods (such as old cheese, canned foods, or alcohol), inflammation, and sore throat. According to experts, the cause of the most common headaches are neck and shoulders stiff.

Myogenik, this type of headache, caused by tightened muscles in the neck, shoulders, scalp, or jaw. The trigger bukansekadar sitting the wrong way, but also stress, anxiety, or depression. Mild to moderate in intensity, sometimes followed by a decrease in appetite.

If you are experiencing headaches are myogenik, do not rush to take headache medicine. Because, there are easy ways to overcome them. In yoga, the movement is called the Seated Neck Release. With a good stretch, tension on the neck muscles can be loosened.

To do this, sit in a comfortable position. Put your right hand on the left side of your head, then pull your head to tilt to the right. Hold for a count of breath, and then replace the other side. Repeat on both sides once again.

6 Makanan Penting untuk Warna Kulit Lebih Cerah

It's useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for skin lightening product if it did not do the treatment from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin and so automatically appear brighter. What foods must be consumed so that the skin is no longer dark and dull?

1. Orange
All types of citrus fruit, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our body, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent skin aging. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try eating fresh oranges once a day. In addition to oranges, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C.

2. Red and green vegetables
Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and the others contain more beta-carotene, which serves as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A that is useful to combat acne, producing new skin cells and make skin tones look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from the food and not from vitamin supplements, because of excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.

3. Fish
These aquatic creatures are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a brilliant fair skin. In addition, eating sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect the skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.

4. Avocado
Avocados are a source of vitamin E. It is useful to retard aging and cleanse the skin of any blemishes such as acne scars, dark spots and other problems. Eating avocados on a regular basis will also prevent the skin becomes loose with age.

5. Wheat
Can be obtained in the form of cereals and breads, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and dull looking.

6. Olive oil
The healthiest foods for your skin? Salad of fruits and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil as a flavoring. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look brighter, glowing and healthy.


6 Cara Cepat dan Mudah Mengatasi Mata Sembab

When out stay up till morning, or the flu strikes, or even after crying all night, you'll usually get up early to the circumstances surrounding the eyes look swollen. How do I fix this?

Puffy eyes usually want to cover not only for cosmetic reasons, but also so that no one knows if you've been crying last night. But by the time only a few minutes before leaving for work or to school, how to eliminate it?

1. Ice cube
This is the classic way that many women have often used: compress with ice cubes. However, to speed up the process, heed to rinse your face with cold water while bathing. There was no ice cubes? Simply insert the spoon into the fridge. Once cool, spoon into the kompreskan swelling around the eyes.

2. Tea bags
Take two bags of tea bags, soak in hot water, then remove from heat. Once warmed up, kompreskan to the eyelids, cover with a cloth for 5-10 minutes. Use of green tea or black tea, because the content of caffeine in it helps reduce swelling.

3. Cucumber
Cucumber is not only good for health, but also for puffy eyes, because the content of astringent in it help refresh puffy eyes. Refrigerate two slices of cucumber in the fridge, kompreskan on eyelids for about 10 minutes.

4. Potato
For hundreds of years, the Europeans believe in the potato as a reliever of headaches, aches, and a variety of irritants. For puffy eyes, fresh peeled potatoes, washed, dried, and finely grated. Wrap the grated potatoes with a piece of cloth, and then kompreskan on the eyes.

5. Salt
When your eyes are puffy, consume foods containing salt will only make it worse. To cure puffy eyes, mix half a teaspoon of salt in a quart of water. Dip a cotton swab into this mixture, then kompreskan to the eye.

6. Drinking water
Much drinking is not going to instantly deflate puffy eyes, but it will speed up the process. Throughout the day many-many drinking water, and to temporarily avoid coffee, soda, and sugary drinks.


5 Jenis Makanan untuk Kecantikan Rambut

Effects of sunlight, chlorine and dry because of drought will be very dangerous for the beauty of your hair. They can make the hair more dull and brittle than usual. In addition to environmental influences, diet that you do have a large impact on the Health Care hair.
Dietitian and author of "Nutrition at Your Fingertips" Elisa Zied help us to choose what foods are beneficial to restore my hair to be beautiful sheen are like normal.

1. soybean
In addition as an alternative to the intake of meat, food products containing soy protein and is equipped with Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating soy and tofu will mengingkatkan hair sheen coming from the Omega-3 and keratin, a protein with an essential element in the hair.

2. spinach
Let the vegetables are eaten raw and get all the nutrients, but even if you want to cook or menumisnya, kale can still give a lot of vitamin A and iron. Zied says, vitamin A can help restore dry hair and maintaining healthy teeth, bones and tissues such as skin. Iron also has the same benefits for the body and also help grow hair.

3. oyster
Although no pearl, sea creatures are able to enhance the beauty. Zied says oysters contain the amount of Omega-3 is sufficient to increase the sheen of hair, and vitamin B12 which have been proven to reduce hair loss.

4. Low-fat products
Milk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese has lots of protein and vitamin B12. According to Zied, it is useful to strengthen the hair.

5. salad
Complete your green salad with ingredients that contain lots of vitamin A such as lettuce, carrots, red peppers, broccoli. Zied specifically advise you to choose the materials to make hair soft and dense, but also useful for diet your body.


5 Hal Agar Baterai HP Tahan Lama

Current HP become saalah one of the most crucial in our daily activities. Relationships with clients, relatives, and family can all be accomplished with a gadet. But, what if your mobile phone battery often drop in at the unwanted? For that, before the incident, it helps you do the following to your mobile phone battery can last longer and do not have to drop suddenly.

1. No signal? Restart your cell phone!
One of the factors that cause rapid bateraimu HP out is a condition that does not get a signal. When the phone selularmu not get a signal at all then HP will continue to try to find a signal and thus HP continuous work. If you have this condition, you should start to restart HP so that the signal can be caught easily.
Or if the signal does not go well when HP was restarted many times you should turn off your mobile phone for a while. It is intended to provide time off to HP in order to work optimally when back is turned.

2.Matikan vibration function on the HP
To save battery life, turn off the vibration function on the HP. If not in a condition that requires you turn off the sound HP, turn on the HP without using a vibrating sound. HP shakes very fast compared to exhaust the battery if you just turn the phone ring tone selularmu. Not believe it? Take a look and count how long it can last bateraimu if you continue to use the vibration function.

3.Matikan Bluetooth connection
If you do not need, turn off the bluetooth connection on your phone. Need a headset? We recommend using a headset with a bluetooth headset wires compared. In addition to the radiation is not good for the health of your head, bluetooth also makes bateraimu dry very quickly. So, if you do not need, really need to, turn off your mobile phone bluetooth connection.

4.Animasi background motion for HP? No way!
If you want to use a background image on the HP, you should select an image to JPEG format instead of a picture or animation in GIF format (motion picture). Because the motion picture is the background on the HP means the phone to work twice as hard and definitely bateraimu will drain faster. Or if you can, use a background color (black or other color) on the HP.

5.Charge battery with an appropriate duration
Often times the batteries to leak and duration of the drop due to charging the battery is too old and imprecise. When recharging the battery, you should make sure the HP condition was switched off (off). HP condition is off to make HP battery to absorb power from the power source and recharging faster perfectly. Wherever possible, the HP if the battery charge is already need to be recharged. Fill in your mobile phone battery for about 2 hours (was switched off) then your HP is ready for reuse.
